V-CUBE 3 Pillow (3x3x3): Ontario

Click to get VCUBE 3 Pillow 3x3x3 Ontario Item ID: #28497
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Part of the Canadian series.  Features the icons of Ontario!  Displays the delights of this beautiful Canadian province. The design is on V-CUBE 3 flat with a matte finish.  This cube has exceptional quality and incredibly smooth rotation. V-CUBE 3™ is the 3x3x3 version of the V-CUBE™ family! This is the essential pillow-shaped version in WHITE! V-CUBE 3™ is a multicored, three-layered cube with exceptional quality and incredibly smooth rotation. The player is required to discover a strategy to achieve uniform colored sides on her/his V-CUBE 3™. V-CUBE 3™has approximately forty-three quintillion possible permutations and weights only 98g! It consists of 26 smaller pieces, and the solid cross that supports them, enabling them to rotate independently on based axes.  

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