Albert Einstein's Letter Block Puzzle

Click to get Albert Einsteins Letter Block Puzzle Item ID: #27956
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This puzzle is No. 3 in the EINSTEIN COLLECTION. Named as Time magazine’s “Person of the Century” in 1999, Albert Einstein is a name that is instantly recognized. These blocks spell out his famous name, but can you use them to complete the baffling set of twelve challenges that this puzzle poses? Start with the opening challenges and build up to the big ones – the Relativity Riddle and the Quantum Query!  Arrange the wooden pieces in the same fashion as the illustrated shapes on the inside of the box!  Create a 2x3x3 cuboid or a pyramid and more!  The pieces are substantially sized - the letter "A" measures approximately 10 cm or almost 4 inches tall!  Packaged in an attractive box, this puzzle ia also a perfect gift! Puzzle design by Martin H. Watson.

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